Victoria Beach

I wanted to have my first blog post be on my favorite beach, Victoria Beach . Victoria Beach is located at 2700 Victoria Dr, Laguna Beach. To reach this beach you have to walk through a quaint neighborhood. Once you get to the end of the neighborhood there will be a staircase. Its a few flights of stairs which will then dump you on the white, soft sand. Once your on the beach the cliffs behind you are filled with multi million dollar houses. This beach is known for its iconic castle structure. Its official name is the “La Tour” which is French for “tower.” It was built in 1926 to get from the house on the cliff down to the beach. When you look inside of it now it looks like its used mostly to store beach chairs and sand toys. The house above the tower was built for William Edward Brown, California State Senator, and his family. The house was also once owned by actress Bette Midler. This is one of my favorite beaches because even though its a...