Balboa Island

Balboa Island reminds me of a movie. Its filled with such character and charm. Its the perfect place to have a quaint afternoon walk around the boutiques and family owned restaurants while being surrounded by a beautiful beach. The neighborhood on the island is filled with cute little beach cottages (which on average cost around 2 million) that look like they could be out of a catalog.  

Balboa Island is great for all seasons.  During Christmas time all the little beach cottages decorate their houses for the season. Theres even awards for the best decorated houses. Every year my family comes and walks around the island looking at all the decorations. Not only do they decorate there houses but they also decorate their boats. They have a boat parade and drive their boats around the island showing off their Christmas lights and decorations. 

When on the island you must try either a frozen banana or a balboa bar. A balboa bar is simply ice-cream dipped in chocolate with any time of topping you want, similar to a Klondike bar. The fun part about ordering a balboa bar is that they make it right in front of you. 

A fun fact about Balboa Island is the sitcom, Rested Development, is based off of Balboa Island. This is were the famous frozen banana stand is located.

This island has a lot of perks but its not the ideal beach to go swimming at. The beach size itself is very short with minimal sand area to play in. It’s also surrounded by a harbor so the waters not the cleanest and theres no waves to play around in. 

If you ever find yourself in Orange County I would recommend coming and experiencing Balboa Island. 

All pictures are my own

Balboa Bar
Here is a video I found that shows you all around the island. 


  1. This beach sounds amazing! I would visit just for the balboa bar, because I can never pass up ice cream.

  2. I've never heard of a Balboa Bar, but they sound awesome!


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