Woods Cove

Woods Cove beach is one of my fairly new finds in Laguna. During fall break my friend and I were just beaching hopping and happened to stumble across this very intimate beach. The beach itself is small and the people who go their are mostly locals. Its not very fair from the main beach. So if you want a more real experience of Laguna and to avoid the tourists I would highly suggest walking a bit further to Woods Cove.

This beach doest not disappoint in tide pools. None of the other beaches I go to in Laguna are particularly known for the tide pools but this one provides. The water is crystal clear and you’re able to see all the little creatures hiding in the nooks and crannies of the rocks.

Just like any other beach in Laguna the parking is a nightmare. There is no parking lot but it has quit a lot of neighborhood parking. So during off hours it would not be a pain to find parking.

This is also an ideal place to watch the sunset. Before you get to the beach you have to take the stairs down. Right before you head down the stairs there is a ledge with a bench. Perfect or  viewing both the beach and the sunset. Best of both worlds. 


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